
New 3P certificate – Two Connection Permanent Link – Quick 6 series

We would like to inform that Permanent Link shielded connections of the FibrainDATA Quick series (category 6) system are certified by the independent 3P Third Party Testing laboratory.
It is another certificate confirming the high-end quality of FIBRAIN solutions and safety of maintaining positive measurements of dynamic parameters.
During the tests, the 1-500MHz band was used (category 6 – 1-250MHz). Obtained test charts show large reserves for individual dynamic parameters.

Chart 1: Return Loss for 4 pairs – Measured in the range 1-500MHz
(red line – Class E measurement limit)

What is more, we would like to remind you that all Quick series patch components have RE-EMBEDDED certificates confirming the system’s interoperability, along with verification of the level of inter-pair crosstalk inside them.

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