ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Certificate
It is recognized and worldwide accepted certificate which proves the ability of our company to meet the quality requirements and enhance customer satisfaction in supplier-customer relationship.
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems
This certificate confirms that FIBRAIN operates with respect for the natural environment in all areas of its activity, prevents pollution and pursues to achieve its environmental objectives.
ISO 45001:2018 Certificate
The certificate is confirmation of the highest standards of health and safety management at FIBRAIN.
In 2024 FIBRAIN was awarded a bronze medal of EcoVadis in recognition of sustainability achievemen. EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. he EcoVadis methodology is at the core of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) analysis system, covering 21 criteria across four themes, including Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.
Quality Certificate of E-2000 fiber optic connectors of R&M company
NATO Commercial and Government Entity
PRS Green label 2024 Certificate of appreciation
PRS Green Label 2024 Certificate (PRS Green Label 2024 Certificate) was awarded by PRS in recognition of FIBRAIN activities concerning the condition of the environment, including reducing the carbon footprint and active participation in a sustainable pallet recycling system.